Diodes are basic semiconductor devices used for controlling the flow of electrical currents in electronic circuits. As per your applications, we have different types of diodes, such as SMD diodes, Schottky diodes, TVS diodes, and Zener diodes, in our store.
SMD diodes are compact versions designed for surface-mount technology. These diodes are used to make the circuit design small and increase the efficiency of electronic circuits.
Schottky diodes are known for their fast switching speed and low forward voltage drop, which have applications in high-frequency devices and rectifiers.
Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) diodes protect electronic circuits from voltage spikes and transient events.
Zener diodes maintain a constant voltage across their terminals, making them valuable in voltage regulation and stabilization circuits.
Explore this category and find diodes from brands like Good Ark and Yangjie Technology to learn more in detail.